• Events

    15-16 June 2023

    CONTOURS Final Conference

    “Evironing tourism: Multispecies entanglements, histories, infrastructures”

    Organised by Carolin Maertens and Alessandro Pippa at the Seidl Villa, Munich.

    20 March 2023

    Two lectures by Anna-Maria Walter and Jasmine Zhang as part of the ContoursTalks series

    Talk 1: by Anna-Maria Walter on “A struggle for remoteness - Skitouring in the Bavarian Alps“ - Talk 2: By Jasmine Zhang on “Imaginaries of Svalbard, interdisciplinary research, and fieldwork: Where emergent knowledge surges” at the University of Oulu.

    14 February 2023

    Talk by Tim Burger on “Between Land and Landscape: Islandness and Tourism on the Azorean Archipelago, Portugal“ as part of the ContoursTalks series at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU Munich

    10-12 January 2023

    CONTOURS Team Workshop in Laheema National Park, Estonia

    27-30 November 2022

    Paper by Alessandro Rippa presented at the workshop "What is Hunting: Anthropological perspectives on (pig) hunting” organized by the BOAR Project team, Třešť, Czechia

    21 November 2022

    Talk by Jutta Kister on “Sustainability as strategy to govern Alpine Club mountain huts“ as part of the ContoursTalks series at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU Munich

    3-4 November 2022

    Conference talk by Helen Vaaks on "The grief of nature conservation: freshwater pearl mussel" at the RMK Nature Conservation Conference 2022 (RMK looduskaitsekonverents) in Narva, Estonia.

    24 October 2022

    Talk by Julia Lajus on “Construction and consumption of historical narratives and material objects in the areas of nature tourism along the White Sea coasts“ as part of the ContoursTalks series at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU Munich

    6 October 2022

    Julia Lajus co-convenes the workshop on “Noosphere—Ecosphere—Semiosphere: Explorations into Environmental Thoughts” at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU Munich

    15–16 September 2022

    Conference talk by Carolin Maertens on “Claiming the past: History making in cultural landscapes of contamination in East Germany” at the conference Cultural Landscapes of Energy in Leipzig, Germany

    14–17 September 2022

    Conference talk by Carolin Maertens on “Living (with) contamination. Reconciliation and restoration of livelihoods in East Germany” at the RSA Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) Conference in Leipzig, Germany

    11-15 September 2022

    Conference talk by Anna-Maria Walter “To Ski Or Not To Ski: Navigating The Dilemma Of Love For The Mountains Versus Their Overuse.“ at the International Mountain Conference in Innsbruck

    30 June 2022

    Talk by Tobias Marschall “From Trade Corridor to Dead End? Walking Paths of Conflict and Integration in Eastern Afghanistan” as part of the ContoursTalks series at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU Munich

    14-15 June 2022

    Talk by Julia Lajus on "Encounters of Connectedness and Remoteness along the White Sea Coasts" at the workshop "Arctic Infrastructures: Histories of Exploration, Colonization and Industrial Development", organized by the ERC Advanced Grant Project InfraNorth at Luleå University, Sweden.

    1 June 2022

    Talk by Roger Norum and Jonathan Carruthers-Jones on “Sounding voice: participation, empathy and immersivity in an Arctic National Park” as part of the ContoursTalks series at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU Munich

    21 April 2022

    Talk by Carolin Maertens on “A sooty past, but the present is spotless. Narratives of transformation in a former coal mining town in East Germany“ at the RCC Research Forum convened by the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU Munich

    29 March 2022

    Talk by Helen Vaaks on “The struggles of saving a mussel: unglamorous conservation“ - ContoursTalks kickoff at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU Munich

    11-12 November 2021

    CONTOURS Autumn Workshop in Helsinki with keynotes by Kerttu Härkönen, Parks & Wildlife Finland, and Mia Bennett, University of Washington

    11 November 2021

    Talk by Julia Lajus on “Linking People through Fish, Climate and Environment: Transnational Connectiones of Russian/Soviet Science and their Mediators” at the Aleksanteri Institute Visiting Fellows Seminar, University of Helsinki

    25 October 2021

    Two-session panel “Exploring the Nature Tourism Frontier: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Tourism and Conservation in Remote Areas“ at the RAI Anthropology and Conservation Virtual Conference convened by Roger Norum.

    Talks by:

    Lidia Rakhmanova “State conservation of nature vs. (state) conservation of ruins: preservation for or preservation from the local communties?”

    Alessandro Rippa & Carolin Maertens “Hunting tourism, conservation, and re-wilding in the Italian Alps”

    Roger Norum (“Presencing absence: Materializing infrastructures of Arctic silence”)

    14-15 October 2021

    Four presentations at the Environmental Anthropology Conference 2021 at the School of Humanities, Tallinn University (hybrid) by

    Carlo A. Cubero “Time at Lahemaa National Park: Thinking with a Camera”

    Alessandro Rippa & Carlin Maertens “Hunting, conservation, and multi-species entanglements: Outlining a visual project from the Italian Alps”,

    Eeva Berglund “The social in environmental imaginings – thoughts from a teacher”

    Joonas Plaan “Nature tourism in Anthropocene landscapes”

  • Outputs

    JOURNAL SPECIAL SECTION: Maertens, C. & Berglund, E. 2025. Special section on conservation and multispecies relations in the making of contemporary European tourism environments [Special Section]. Landscape Research, 49(7).

    Research Article: Rippa, A. (2024). Where tourism fails: the (un)making of a post-working landscape in the Italian Alps. Landscape Research, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1080/01426397.2024.2309310

    FILM: Re-Animating Nature. 2023. [Documentary]. Ivan Turapin & Carlo Cubero. Lahemaa National Park.
    This documentary describes an animation workshop held at the Kotka Youth Camp, located at the Lahemaa National Park. The workshops produced 25 short animated films made by children aged 6 - 17 using only materials sourced from the forest.

    ESSAY: Berglund, E. (2023). Metsätalous ja tietotalous kaupungistuvassa Suomessa: Kohti juurevampaa tarinointia pluriversaalin käsitteen avulla. Alue Ja Ympäristö, 51(2), 135–144, https://doi.org/10.30663/ay.121969

    ESSAY: Walter, A.M.; 2022. "HandsOn the Field." Theorizing the Contemporary, Fieldsights, December 1. Series: HandsOn: Touching the Digital Planet

    JOURNAL ISSUE: Walter, A.M., 2022. “Images of the Mountains: Touristic Consumption and Gendered Representations of Landscape and Heritage in Gilgit-Baltistan.” Visual Anthropology, Vol 35(3), DOI: 10.1080/08949468.2022.2094185

    JOURNAL ISSUE: Norum, R. and Herva, V-P. 2021. “Minding the field: Sensory and Affective Engagements with High Arctic Fieldwork.” Time and Mind: The Journal of Archaeology, Consciousness and Culture. Vol 14(3), DOI: 10.10801751696X.2021.1951560

    RESEARCH ARTICLE: Rippa, A. 2021. “Hunting, Rewilding, and Multispecies Entanglements in the Alps.” Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology, DOI: 10.1080/00141844.2021.1939398.

    BOOK CHAPTER: Rippa, A., Norum, R. 2021. “Environing the Tourism Frontier: Infrastructure, Nature and the State in China’s Dulong Valley.” In: M. Mostafanezhad, C. Azcarate, and R. Norum (eds.), Tourism Geopolitics: Assemblages of Power, Mobility and the State. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.

    EDITED VOLUME: M. Mostafanezhad, C. Azcarate, and R. Norum (eds.), Tourism Geopolitics: Assemblages of Power, Mobility and the State. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.

    JOURNAL ISSUE: Rippa, A. (edited by). 2021. “Archive.” Roadsides 005: https://roadsides.net/collection-no-005/